My Times Are In Your Hands

Every Waking Moment of Our Life is in God's Hands

On the 24th of October 2022 I woke around 4am and prayed for quite some time. The Lord spoke to me about many things and gave me such a peace during this time of prayer. At one point the Holy Spirit led me to say, “My times are in Your hands, Lord Almighty.” I experienced a feeling of being very much at peace and I kept saying over and over, “My times are in your hands.”

After I spoke those words, the Lord gave me the following vision:

A ‘being’ took me by the hand, like an angel or Jesus maybe, but seemed like an angel - I could not be sure. He whisked me through the heavenly realms and I could see what seemed like many demonic forces in this realm, and it was a sense that there were a lot of beings present. We were whisking through these realms really fast, at what seemed like lightning speed. Then we came up through the heavens into a higher realm and that was the end of the first part of the vision.

A few moments later I closed my eyes and the vision continued…
I saw a beautiful pattern being shown to me, with a small circle of light guiding and revealing small parts of this picture. It was like it was beautiful feathers. It was like white outlines of a beautiful image that was quite large, and the impression I had was that it was details of feathers. It was similar to another vision experience I had previously received, where my head and mind became almost overtaken by the Holy Spirit and my physical senses were directed in a more intense, heavenly way. It was almost as if my mind was not my own, in order for me to see these things more clearly.

Then I saw the head of an eagle, it was also like a white outline on the starry realm, and the eagle head faced me and it was alive. It was not scary.

Then I saw an actual small flame for a small moment. It was just a small little flame and then it was gone.

Then a sidewards diamond-shape star or light appeared and it was like it was in the stars in the realm among the stars.

That was the end of the vision.

Later that morning
I was walking on my treadmill and I had the thought, “I need to look up the scripture that states ‘my times are in your hands’.” I remembered the words but I didn’t know exactly where to find it in the Bible. These words were impressed in my heart by the Holy Spirit and I just knew Jesus was assuring me that my times were in His hands; that He was delivering me from the evil one and every waking minute of my life was in His hands. I became busy with a few other things that morning and forgot to look it up.

A little later on that morning, I began sharing the vision with my husband around morning tea. I said out loud, “I believe God is telling me that my times are in His hands and I need to look up that scripture reference.” Just as I said this to him, I literally opened the email app on my phone and a message appeared from a ministry I follow titled, “MY TIMES ARE IN YOUR HANDS…PSALM 31v15 (NIV).”

I exclaimed, “Oh wow, Lord!!! You are incredible and so caring toward me and clearly showing me that it’s YOU I’m hearing from. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU. I love you!!!..”

Dear friends, you can know that your times are in the Lord’s hands and that He is with you every waking moment of your life. He will deliver you from the evil one as you trust Him with your entire life.

“But I trust in you, Lord; I say, ‘You are my God.’ My times are in your hands; deliver me from the hands of my enemies, from those who pursue me.”

Psalm 31v14-15
Author:HHannah Taylor GraceDate: 24th October 2022

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