Shaking is Coming

The shaking is here, it's upon us.

Background to the significance of numbers

The Lord has been waking me in the middle of the night quite frequently in recent times. He’s been using signs and wonders, where He’ll wake me at specific times that include the numbers 11 or 44 and also the numbers 33 during times of prayer. For example, He’ll wake me at exactly 11:44pm and speak a word to my heart.

This is nothing short of supernatural and is something that He began in me in March 2022, after a season where I cried out to Him in earnest prayer and fasting. God clearly said to me, “Your times are in My hands” and He gave me the understanding that is why I am seeing these specific times as a sign to me that He’s with me and that He is sending me to bring prophetic words and warnings to the body of Jesus Christ.

He recently revealed that 11 means it’s the 11th hour before He returns for His bride, and 44 means the 4th horseman has been unleashed on the earth and time is short for us to spread the gospel. The Lord also revealed that 3 represents his resurrection on the 3rd day and has been using 33 at specific times to declare, “Salvation (Jesus) is here!” And more recently He told me that 55 means grace upon grace and God has been using these numbers throughout my day to remind me of His grace upon me.

The Lord gave me the following word on the 18th of June 2023:

The Lord, my King, woke me at exactly 4:11am.

I replied, “You Lord are amazing and You are with me.”

Then I prayed for a while and felt Him place a seriousness in me that something’s coming - the shaking.

After some time in prayer I removed my phone from the charger and it was exactly 4:33am - Jesus is here.

The Lord said, “The shaking is here, it’s upon us. Prepare to move for battle. Let Me make it clear, the devil is here and there’s a shaking near. Come to Me for Victory and you’ll see that I am here. I am near you dear one so don’t fear the day of the evil one. Trust in Me, Christ God’s Son. The war has begun between heaven and satan’s dominion on earth and I am bringing a storm, a lashing. I’m Your Saviour and King, ruler over everything.”

I replied, “Hallelujah, hallelujah praise the risen name of the Lord Most High. Hallelujah! You reign on high as the Most High for all eternity. Hallelujah praise You risen Lord and King, ruler over everything.”

Just as I finished typing that statement, I looked up at time and it was exactly 4:44am.

“On your face,” He said to me.

Then I saw Him place His hand on back of my head and say, “Receive My anointing.”

Then immediately after He said, “Arise.”

So I’m up now and there’s a shaking coming and I feel uneasy about going about life as normal these days, including dining in cafes etc. It’s like a precursor in my understanding that those days are over for everyone soon, and we need to get used to it here and now.

“Destruction is coming where the enemy will wreak havoc over these things so prepare for My shaking, as it’s from the Holy One, Christ God’s Son Who delivered you from the hand of the evil one at the request of the heavenly Father. Trust in My Holy One, Jesus the Lamb, God’s only Son.”

I replied, “Hallelujah, hallelujah praise the risen Lord seated upon the throne at the right hand of the heavenly Father where He rules forever more. Hallelujah to Christ God’s Son, hallelujah the shaking has begun.”

“End times now, brace for impact my child as I hurl things at the earth. Brace my girl for you will not be burned and you will not drown for I am with You.”

I replied, “Hallelujah, hallelujah to the risen King of kings and Lord of lords! Glory, hallelujah King Jesus.”

It’s 4:55am exactly as I finish typing that - GRACE UPON GRACE!

“Brace, brace, brace.”

“Those who are relying on family for how to hear from their King are in grave danger from the shaking. As they will follow him, the devil, the slayer, the destroyer, rather than Me as their King, ruler over everything. They must follow me and stop following their kin. It’s 5:11am as Jesus says this to me.

“Tell family that if they don’t turn away from their wicked ways, by following Satan along with their kin, they cannot be saved from the destruction that’s coming.”

“Tell them: ‘Your mum and your dad will not be standing with you on judgement day little lambs. Your Saviour, your King is standing right here now with EVERYTHING you need for Godliness, and yet you keep rejecting Me over and over again. You must repent, stop following your ways and turn and follow My Way - the high way, which is away from what your family thinks. I am ruler over everything. Praise My risen name, My name above every name, where every knee will bow and every tongue confess that I am Lord. I am your Risen Lord!’”

I replied, “Hallelujah, hallelujah praise the risen Lord Who was slain and risen again. Praise Thee O risen Lord of lords, my God and my King, ruler over everything. Hallelujah, hallelujah praise the Lord!!!”

That was the end of the prophetic word I received from the Lord.

I noted that He woke me at 4:11am, as it’s the eleventh hour and His fourth horseman has been unleashed.

Author:HHannah Taylor GraceDate: 18th June 2023

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